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Table 2 Distribution plots of the number ill, confirmed, primary and secondary cases in the outbreaks

From: Primary and secondary cases in Escherichia coliO157 outbreaks: a statistical analysis


Ill Cases

Confirmed Cases

Primary Cases

Secondary Cases



   United States

25.2 (14.7, 43.1)

14.5 (8.6, 24.6)

6.2 (3.2, 12.2)

2 (2,6)

   England & Wales

11.9 (7.9, 17.9)

10.8 (7.5, 15.6)

4.7 (2.8, 7.8)

3 (1,7)


14.5 (7.5, 31.7)

14.4 (7.5, 27.6)

9.3 (3.9, 21.8)

2 (0,5)


13.4 (7.2, 24.9)

9.4 (4.8, 18.7)

5.5 (2.3, 13.4)

2 (1,5)


52.9 (17.2, 163.3)

43.3 (14.8, 126.4)

23.8 (3.4, 164.2)

3 (0,22)

Median age


   < 6 years

13.9 (9.0, 21.5)

10.4 (6.5, 16.7)

2.0 (1.2, 3.4)

6 (3,13)

   6–16 years

18.9 (10.2, 35.0)

14.5 (8.5, 25.0)

8.3 (4.2, 16.4)

2 (2,4)

   17 – 59 years

20.2 (11.4, 35.7)

13.2 (7.5, 23.1)

10.2 (5.5, 19.0)

2 (0,2)

   60+ years

29.5 (9.9, 88.4)

20.7 (11.1, 38.5)

10.9 (1.8, 65.1)

4 (0,10)

Mode of Primary Transmission



6.7 (3.6, 12.7)

6.6 (3.5, 12.5)

5.1 (2.4, 10.7)

1 (0,3)

   Dairy products

12.0 (5.6, 25.7)

10.4 (4.9, 22.1)

8.1 (3.5, 18.8)

1 (0,5)


33.8 (21.6, 52.8)

20.9 (13.4, 32.4)

18.1(11.5, 28.4)

2 (1,2)


8.5 (4.5, 16.1)

8.3 (4.2, 16.1)

6.3 (3.5, 11.5)

1.5 (1,6)


14.2 (10.5, 19.1)

11.3 (8.2, 15.5)

1.4 (1.0, 2.0)

11 (5,17)

Mode of Secondary Transmission


   P-P home

23.8 (15.7, 36.2)

19.8 (13.4, 29.1)

11.9 (7.2, 19.6)

2 (2,5)

   P-P nursery

25.8 (18.0, 37.1)

15.7 (10.2, 24.3)

1.4 (0.8, 2.6)

15.5 (9,22)

   P-P other

15.5 (5.7, 41.9)

11.2 (5.3, 23.9)

6.0 (1.9, 19.0)

3 (1,10)


11.9 (5.6, 25.5)

9.9 (4.3, 23.0)

1.6 (0.5, 4.9)

5 (3,17)

  1. The geometric mean number of ill, confirmed and primary cases and median number of secondary cases by country (n = 86), median age (75), modes of primary (90) and secondary (67) transmission are shown. For the geometric means, 95% confidence intervals are shown and for the medians, range is given.