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Table 3 Optical density of IgM ELISA against HspX obtained for the different groups according to their vaccination status.

From: Humoral response to HspX and GlcB to previous and recent infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis


IgM HspX


BCG (-) m ± sd

old BCG m ± sd

recent BCGb m ± sd


1.154 ± 0.481

1.108 ± 0.511

0.927 ± 0.535


1.035 ± 0.622

0.986 ± 0.445

0.991 ± 0.744


1,580 ± 0.505

1,328 ± 0.477


  1. LTBI = latent tuberculosis infection; m = mean of optical density; sd = standard deviation
  2. a Only one HCW had recent BCG vaccination (last five years).
  3. b Vaccination in the last five years. There was no influence of BCG vaccination to the IgM responses for HspX.