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Table 3 Influence of factors on adherence for factors that were analyzed in one study

From: Factors influencing adherence in Hepatitis-C infected patients: a systematic review



Effect direction or compared categories; effect size; 95%-CI or p-value

Giannelli 2012 [21]*


Negative; NR; < 0.05

Lo Re [4]

Methadone use

Yes vs. no; OR = 0.99; 0.167

New use of growth factors

Yes vs. no; OR = 1.01; 0.021

New use of thyroid medication

Yes vs. no; OR = 1.02; 0.022


Yes vs. no; OR = 1.00; 0.605

Marcellin 2011 [8]*

Adverse events

Yes vs. no; OR# = 1.09; 0.77 to 1.54

Diabetes (baseline and follow-up)

NR; NR; > 0.05

Duration of infection

Positive; NE; 0.601#

Fibrosis scores

NR; NR; > 0.05

HCB positive

Yes vs. no; OR# = 1.47; 0.62 to 3.48

Naïve for Hepatitis-C virus treatment

Yes vs. no; OR = 1.32; 1.03 to 1.69

Origin of incomes

Paid employment vs. others; OR# =1.12; 0.91 to 1.38

Other chronic disease (baseline)

Yes vs. no; OR# = 0.91; 0.72 to 1.15

Remoteness of the center (transport time)

Per min; OR = 1.00; 1.00 to 1.01

Source of Hepatitis-C virus infection

Intra venous drug use vs. others; OR# = 0.99; 0.80 to 1.22

Therapeutic education (not specified)

NR; NR; > 0.05

Sola [24]*


NR; NR; > 0.05

Alkaline phosphatase

NR; NR; > 0.05

Aspartate aminotransferase

NR; NR; > 0.05

Fibrosis metavir score

NR; NR; > 0.05


Positive; NE; 0.007#


NR; NR; > 0.05

Prothrombin time

NR; NR; > 0.05

Serum albumin

NR; NR; > 0.05

Serum bilirubin

NR; NR; > 0.05

Sylvestre [25]*#

Duration of abstinence

≥ 1 month vs. < 1 month; MD = 27%; 0.10

Psychiatric medication (baseline)

NR; NR; 0.2

Psychiatric medication (during treatment)

NR; NR; 0.3

Psychiatric medication (initiation during treatment)

Yes vs. no; MD = -28%; 0.02

Tanioka [26]

Physicians experience (years)

≥ 19 vs. < 19; RR = 1.54; 0.96 to 2.48

Platelet count (104/ml)

≥ 15 vs. < 15; RR# = 0.86; 0.57 to 1.29

Treatment center size (cases per center)

≥ 15 vs. < 15; RR = 1.65; 1.04 to 2.64

White blood cell count (ml)

≥ 5000 vs. < 5000; RR# = 1.16; 0.77 to 1.75

Wagner [27]*#

Drinking problem

Yes vs. no; OR = 0.63; 0.16 to 2.44


≤ 400 vs. >400; OR = 1.83; 0.51 to 6.53

In a relationship

Yes vs. no; OR = 0.81; 0.24 to 2.75

  1. NE: not reported and not estimable (e.g. continuous variable); NR: not reported; OR: odds ratio; RR: relative risk; *Analysis based on combined adherence rates for interferon and ribavirin; #univariate; wording according to publication.