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Table 4 Diagnostic tests for important helminths that may cause persistent digestive disorders

From: Persistent digestive disorders in the tropics: causative infectious pathogens and reference diagnostic tests

Infectious pathogen

Diagnostic method



Stool culture


Molecular biology (PCR)



Diphyllobothrium latum

Stool microscopy: identification of eggs or proglottids



PCR and sequencing for species differentiation (for epidemiological purpose)

[77, 78]


· Wet preparation


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Sedimentation techniques


Hymenolepis spp.

Stool microscopy



PCR in research settings (for epidemiological purpose)



· Kato-Katz method


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Sedimentation techniques




Taenia spp.

Stool microscopy


· Coproantigen EIA

PCR for species differentiation



· Perianal egg detection


· Serology: detection of specific circulating antibodies against T. solium


· (Graham’s test applying adhesive tape)


· Examination of tapeworms from purges



Ascaris lumbricoides

Stool microscopy: egg detection



PCR in research settings (for epidemiological purpose)



· Kato-Katz method


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Sedimentation techniques




Capillaria philippinensis

Stool microscopy: egg detection




[84, 85]


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Sedimentation techniques


· (Kato-Katz method: great care is indicated to distinguish between T. trichiura and C. philippinensis eggs)


Hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus)

Stool microscopy: egg detection

Culture on Koga agar and subsequent microscopic identification of larvae


PCR mainly applied in research settings (for epidemiological purpose)



· Kato-Katz method


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Sedimentation techniques




Strongyloides stercoralis

· Stool: microscopy following Baermann funnel concentration

Culture on Koga agar and subsequent microscopic identification of larvae

· ELISA tests detecting serum antibodies or faecal antigens

PCR applied in research settings (for epidemiological purpose) and increasingly used for individual patient management

[86, 87]


· Microscopy of sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, duodenal aspirate, skin biopsy


· Indirect fluorescent antibody test


Trichuris trichiura

Stool microscopy: egg detection




[81, 82]


· Kato-Katz method


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Sedimentation techniques





Intestinal flukes

Stool microscopy: egg detection


ELISA to detect worm-specific antibodies or antigens in serum or stool

PCR applied in research settings (for epidemiological purpose)



· Kato-Katz method


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Stoll’s dilution


· Sedimentation techniques




Intestinal blood flukes: Schistosoma mansoni, S. intercalatum, S. japonicum, S. mekongi

Stool microscopy: egg detection


- ELISA to detect serum antibodies or worm-specific antigens in serum or urine

PCR applied in research settings for epidemiological purpose and increasingly used for individual patient management



· Kato-Katz method


- RDT to detect CCA or CAA antigen in serum or urine (for S. mansoni)


· Ethyl-acetate or formalin-ether-based concentration techniques


· Stoll’s dilution


· Sedimentation techniques


· FLOTAC (first experiences for S. mansoni)


Miracidium-hatching test from stool samples

  1. The laboratory techniques are divided into different categories and recommended tests for each pathogen are highlighted.