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Table 2 Independent Factors Associated With Length of Stay

From: An institutional perspective on the impact of recent antibiotic exposure on length of stay and hospital costs for patients with gram-negative sepsis


Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

P Value

Prior antibiotic exposure

1.473 (1.297-1.672)


Pulmonary source of infection

1.670 (1.496-1.865)


APACHE II Score (1-point increments)

1.066 (1.057-1.076)


Inappropriate antibiotic therapy

1.390 (1.239-1.559)


Hospital-onset infection

1.486 (1.234-1.790)


Pre-culture length of stay (1-day increments)

1.012 (0.008-1.016)


  1. CI = confidence interval; APACHE = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
  2. Other variables included in the analysis for which the Cox-proportional hazards model was adjusted included male gender, age (1-year increments), underlying liver disease, underlying renal disease, underlying malignancy, prior hospitalization (within 90 days), and Charlson co-morbidity score. Hazard ratios greater than 1 indicate the factor is associated with a greater probability of remaining hospitalized. Patients who died were censored at the time of death because they did not reach the endpoint of "discharged alive from hospital."