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Table 3 Comparison of biochemical characteristics between urine from trauma patients on day 1 (D1) and from healthy volunteers (HV)

From: Changes in urine composition after trauma facilitate bacterial growth


Values D1

Values HV

HV-D1 mean or median differences [CI95%]

Urea (mmol/L)

134 ± 76

296 ± 59

162 [104; 220]

Creatinine (μmol/L)

6.31 ± 4.04

10.55 ± 3.29

4.25 [1.14; 7.36]

Sodium (mmol/L)

80 ± 44

104 ± 43

29.28 [−7.09; 65.65]

Potassium (mmol/L)

44 ± 28

51 ± 20

9.83 [−11.44; 31.11]

Proteinuria (g/L)

0.57 ± 0.67

0.017 ± 0.025

−0.55 [ −1.11; 0.01]


6.08 ± 1.02

6.7 ± 0.32

0.60 [−0.04; 1.25]

Osmolality (mosmol/L)

273 ±129

515 ± 92

241.76 [160.66; 322.86]

Nitrates (nmol/mg of protein)

34 ± 57

63 ± 45

31.25 [10.55; 51.95] a

  1. D1 on day 1.
  2. a Medians difference and Hodges-Lehmann 95% Confidence Interval.