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Table 4 Key results on societal impact of varicella in children < 6 years of age in the Netherlands, 2007.

From: The burden of varicella from a parent's perspective and its societal impact in The Netherlands: an Internet survey


No consultation of medical doctor (n = 550)

Consultation of medical doctor (n = 354)


(n = 904)

Paid job


Number of children for which caregiver(s) had to stay home n (%)

76 (13.8)

80 (22.6)

156 (17.3)

Mean absence ± SD in hours (range)*

11.1 ± 7.9


17.3 ± 14.3


14.3 ± 12.0


Unpaid job


Number of children for which caregiver(s) had to stay home n (%)

31 (5.6)

20 (5.6)

51 (5.6)

Mean absence ± SD in hours (range)*

17.8 ± 20.2


22.1 ± 26.1


19.2 ± 22.2


Productivity loss at work**


Number of parents reporting productivity loss n (%)

34 (6.2)

39 (11.0)

73 (8.1)

Mean productivity loss ± SD in hours (range)*

7.8 ± 9.3


6.7 ± 6.0


7.2 ± 7.7


Leisure time loss***


Number of parents reporting leisure time loss n (%)

151 (27.5)

198 (55.9)

349 (38.6)

Mean leisure time loss ± SD in hours (range)*

1.5 ± 6.0


2.0 ± 3.5


1.8 ± 4.7


  1. * In the cases with absence from paid or unpaid work, productivity loss at work or leisure time loss
  2. ** For example, due to lack of sleep because of caring for the sick child
  3. *** Leisure time lost due to doctor or pharmacy visit