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Table 3 Adverse drug reactions

From: Use of artesunate in the treatment of severe imported malaria in France: review of the effectiveness and real-life safety in two French university hospitals


All (n = 110)

Mean decrease Hb level at day 3, g/dL [SD]

-2.17 [1.42]

Adverse drug events (%)


Anemia, Hb < 10.5 g/dL (%)

 WHO grade 1 (9.5 < Hb < 10.5)

 WHO grade 2 (8 < Hb < 9.5)

 WHO grade 3 (6.5 < Hb < 8)

Hepatic disorders (transaminases elevation) (%)

Abnormal kalemia, < 3.4 or > 4.5 mmol/L (%)

Creatinine level > 265 µmol/L (%)

Abnormal platelet count, < 150 or > 400 G/L (%)

44 (40.4)

19 (43.2)

17 (38.6)

8 (18.2)

21 (19.3)

14 (12.8)

2 (1.8)

0 (0)