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Table 2 A list of four documented case reports of Whipple’s endocarditis causing embolism, all with valvular replacement and valve tissue NAAT diagnosis

From: An unusual presentation of a rare disease: acute upper limb ischemia as the presenting symptom of Whipple’s Endocarditis, a case report



Microbiology Diagnostics

Treatment and Outcome

Naegeli 2000 [16]

51 year old woman with recurrent strokes, found to have mitral valve involvement

PAS positive valve histology confirmed with unspecified NAAT of valve tissue

TMP-SMX with clinical improvement

Richardson 2003 [17]

51 year old man with right axillary embolism, found to have aortic valve vegetations

Aortic valve broad-range bacterial NAAT

4 weeks of vancomycin followed by 12 months of TMP-SMX with clinical improvement

Seddon 2017 [18]

54 year old woman with ulnar artery embolism, found to have aortic valve vegetations

Aortic valve broad-range bacterial NAAT

6 weeks of empiric amoxicillin and gentamicin with clinical improvement

He 2021 [19]

53 year old man with right calf pain and popliteal, tibial-peroneal trunk, and tibial artery clot, found to have aortic valve vegetations

PAS positive valve histology confirmed with broad-range bacterial NAAT of valve tissue

Ceftriaxone 2 g daily for 6 weeks, followed by TMP-SMX double-strength two tablets twice daily for 18 months with clinical improvement