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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of IDI participants

From: Barriers to childhood tuberculosis case detection and management in Cambodia: the perspectives of healthcare providers and caregivers

Demographic characteristics

Number (%)

Healthcare providers (N = 16)


 Age in years, mean (SD)

40.2 (SD 11. 9)

 Sex, male

15 (93.8)

 Working place


  Operational district

4 (25.0)

  Referral hospital

8 (50.0)

  Health center

4 (25.0)



  TB supervisor

4 (25.0)

  Clinician in charge of TB at referral hospitals

4 (25.0)

  Nurse in charge of TB at referral hospitals

4 (25.0)

  Nurse in charge of TB at a health center

4 (25.0)

Caregivers (N = 28)


 Age in years, mean (SD)

47.9 (SD 14.6)

 Sex, female

21 (75.0)

 Relationship of caregivers with children



20 (71.4)


8 (28.6)



  Caregivers of children currently or previously on TB treatment

9 (32.14)

  Caregivers of children currently or previously on TPT

11 (39.29)

  Caregivers who refused TPT for their eligible children

8 (28.57)



  No formal education

7 (25.0)

  Primary school (1–6 years)

8 (28.6)

  Secondary school (7–9 years)

10 (35.8)

  High school or higher (≥ 10 years)

3 (10.7)

 Main occupation



17 (60.7)


5 (17.9)

  Government or private sector staff

2 (7.1)


4 (14.3)

  1. IDI: in-depth interview, SD: standard deviation; TB: tuberculosis, TPT: TB preventive treatment