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Table 1 Five procedures were chosen to impute missing forecasts

From: Chimeric forecasting: combining probabilistic predictions from computational models and human judgment

Imputation technique




\(I^{-1}\sum _{i}{q_{i,k}}\)

Take the mean of all present quantiles where the set I is an index for present forecasts


\(\min _{x} \left\{ F(x)-1/2 \right\}\)

Take the median of all present quantiles where F is the empirical cdf over all I quantiles

Bayesian Ridge regression

\({\mathbb {E}}(X) \text { where } X\sim {\mathcal {N}}(Q_{-k}\beta ,\sigma ^{2})\)  \(\beta \sim {\mathcal {N}}(0,\uplambda ^{-1} I) \;\sigma ^{2} \sim \Gamma (\alpha ,\gamma )\)  

The matrix \(Q_{-k}\) has two columns: a column of ones and a second column of quantiles from present forecasts.

Decision Tree regression


The missing quantile value is imputed by the mean of quantiles in the same partition.

Extremely Randomized Trees


Multiple decision trees \((D_{i})\) are fit to random subsets of quantiles and the missing forecast is imputed as the average over \(D_{i}\).

  1. Mean and median imputation only use information about a single quantile to impute missing forecasts, while the three regression approaches use all the quantiles from all present forecasts to impute missing forecasts