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Table 3 Adjusted odds ratio (OR) estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for bacterial vaginosis depending on the tertile of dietary acid load*

From: Dietary acid load, alternative healthy eating index score, and bacterial vaginosis: is there any association? A case-control study

dietary acid load

Tertiles of dietary acid load

P for Trend*




PRAL (energy-adjusted, mEq/day)


Number of BV patients/Number of healthy participants

46 / 50

40 / 51

57 / 50


Model 1 †

1.00 (Ref.)

0.87 (0.48–1.57)

1.18 (0.67–2.07)


Model 2 ‡

1.00 (Ref.)

0.81 (0.42–1.55)

1.13 (0.60–2.13)


NEAP (energy-adjusted, mEq/day)


Number of BV patients/Number of healthy participants

56 / 50

29 / 51

58 / 50


Model 1 †

1.00 (Ref.)

0.51 (0.28–0.93)

1.01 (0.58–1.75)


Model 2 ‡

1.00 (Ref.)

0.45 (0.23–0.87)

0.94 (0.51-1. 76)


  1. * logistic regression model
  2. †Base model, adjustment for age (years) and total calories intake (Kcal/d)
  3. ‡Additionally adjusted for body mass index (Kg/m2), waist circumferences (cm), iron supplementation (yes/no), folate supplementation (yes/no), vitamin D supplementation (yes/no), calcium supplementation (yes/no), physical activity (MET/h/d), number of sexual partners in the previous month, and number of pregnancies, salary (< 250 $/month or 250$/month=<), education (Primary/secondary school, Undergraduate, Graduate), cigarette per day
  4. PRAL, potential renal acid load; NEAP, net endogenous acid production; BV, bacterial vaginosis