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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: Screening and assessment for post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS), guidance by personal pilots and support with individual digital trainings within intersectoral care: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Patients perceive PACS symptoms

High need for care as classified according to German health care levels (>/= 2)

Patients who have the necessary prerequisites to participate in the online-screening as well as in telephone or video-conferences with their personal pilots

No mobile device (smartphone, laptop, tablet, or computer) and/or internet connection, no telephone or video conference system, or no sufficient technology literacy to make use of it

Registered in Bavaria, Germany

Occupancy in the healthcare or welfare system or laboratory

Age between 18 and 60 years

PACS treatment or therapy (including rehabilitation)

Willingness to participate in outpatient or (partially) inpatient therapy

Acute COVID-19 infection less than 4 weeks ago

Sufficient German skills

Insufficient literacy of the German language to participate in data collection and digital treatment options

Severely limited cognitive, hearing and vision abilities, as linguistic components of the digital offers and auditory stimuli must be understood

Physical conditions that allow participants to take part in the digital intervention exercises

Severely limited physical conditions such as bedriddenness

Patients that do not receive PACS treatment so far