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Table 3 Hospital course and outcomes of patients with E. coli urosepsis

From: Short- and long-term mortality in patients with urosepsis caused by Escherichia coli susceptible and resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins


All patients

N = 313

EC-SC group N = 195


EC-RC group

N = 118


P value

Antibiotic administration (days), mean (SD)

7.70 (2.45)

7.40 (2.16)

8.20 (2.80)


Appropriate empiric antibiotic therapy, n (%)

245 (78.3)

195 (100)

50 (42.4)

 < 0.0001

Septic shock, n (%)

15 (4.8)

5 (2.6)

10 (8.5)


Surgical drainage, n (%)

7 (2.2)

3 (2.5)

4 (2.1)


Mechanical ventilation, n (%)

16 (5.1)

7 (3.6)

9 (7.6)


Length of hospital stay (days), mean, (SD)

11.46 (8.50)

9.29 (6.40)

15.04 (10.19)

 < 0.0001

Mortality within 30 days, n (%)

27 (8.6)

11 (5.6)

16 (13.6)


Mortality within 60 days, n (%)

37 (11.8)

14 (7.2)

23 (19.5)


Mortality within 180 days, n (%)

50 (16)

22 (11.3)

28 (23.7)


Mortality within 1 year, n (%)

55 (17.6)

25 (12.8)

30 (25.4)


  1. Data is presented as mean (SD) or number (%)
  2. EC-SC Group—patients with urosepsis caused by E. coli susceptible to 3rd generation cephalosporins
  3. EC-RC Group—patients with urosepsis caused by E. coli resistant to 3rd generations cephalosporins
  4. SD standard deviation