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Table 4 Association between risk factors and markers of monocyte activation

From: Monocyte count and soluble markers of monocyte activation in people living with HIV and uninfected controls


Soluble CD163 β in ng/ml

Soluble CD14 β in ng/ml

HIV, yes vs no

194 [57, 330], p = 0.006

588 [325, 851], p < 0.001

Age per decade

− 4 [− 38, 29], p = 0.807

74 [8,139], p = 0.028

Female sex, yes vs no

125 [26, 224], p = 0.0137

237 [41, 432], p = 0.018

WHR, per standard deviation

100 [63, 138], p < 0.001

48 [− 26, 122], P = 0.204

Former smoker vs never smoker

− 10 [− 91, 71], p = 0.816

− 90 [− 249, 69], p = 0.268

Current smoker vs never smoker

− 35 [− 119, 50], p = 0.422

132 [− 34, 298], p = 0.120

Hypertension, yes vs no

− 89 [− 162, − 15], p = 0.180

− 103 [− 251, 45], p = 0.174

Antihypertensives, yes vs no

− 82 [− 183, 19], p = 0.110

− 104 [− 302, 95], p = 0.305

Diabetes, yes vs no

173 [11, 336], p = 0.037

361 [32, 691], p = 0.032

HDL-cholesterol, per mM

− 96 [− 177, − 15], p = 0.021

146 [− 20, 311], p = 0.085

LDL-cholesterol, per mM

− 33 [− 69, 2], p = 0.067

− 6 [− 79, 66], p = 0.869

Triglycerides, per mM

− 7 [− 31, 17], p = 0.556

− 55 [− 104, − 6], p = 0.027

Total Cholesterol per mM

− 44 [− 75, − 13], p = 0.005

− 13 [− 76, 51], p = 0.698

Antilipidemic, yes vs no

− 50 [− 156, 56], p = 0.357

265 [57, 473], p = 0.013

High− sensitivity CRP per mg/L

5 [− 1, 11], p = 0.077

31 [20, 42], p < 0.001

CD8 + cell count per 100 cells

15 [8, 23], p < 0.001

15 [0, 30], p = 0.044

CD4 + cell count per 100 cells

− 10 [− 22, 2], p = 0.094

− 13 [− 37, 10], p = 0.257

CD4 + nadir < 200cells/µL, yes vs no

14 [− 58, 85], p = 0.706

59 [− 82, 201], p = 0.412

HIV-RNA > 50copies/mL, yes vs no

385 [230, 539], p < 0.001

312 [3, 621], p = 0.048

Monocyte count per standard deviation

35.45 [1.65, 69.24] p < 0.001

104 [38, 170], p < 0.001

  1. Association between independent variables and soluble CD163 in the left column and soluble CD14 in the right column