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Table 3 Screening coverages and TB/ DM Comorbidities among TB patients and People with DM

From: Bidirectional screening and treatment outcomes of diabetes mellitus (DM) and Tuberculosis (TB) patients in hospitals with measures to integrate care of DM and TB and those without integration measures in Malawi

TB and DM Bidirectional Screening


A. Tuberculosis Patients





n = 987 (100%)

Integrated site

n = 105 (10.6%)

Non-Integrated sites

n = 882 (89.4%)

RD (%) (95%CI)

DM Screening and DM Comorbidities among TB Patients

 TB patients screened for DM

53 (5.4%)

10 (9.5%)

43 (4.9%)

4.6% (-1.1,10.4)

Diagnosed DM Cases amongst the screened TB Patients, and of the total TB patients

 DM among screened TB Patient

5/53 (9.4%)

1/10 (10.0%)

4/43 (9.3%)


 DM among total TB Patients

5/987 (0.5%)

1/105 (1.0%)

4/882 (0.5%)


B. TB Screening and TB Comorbidities among People with Diabetes mellitus (PWD)





N = 557 (100%)


n = 64 (11.5%)


n = 493 (88.5%)

Risk Difference (%) (95%CI)

Screening of TB among People with Diabetes mellitus (PWD)


 PWD screened for TB

41 (6.6%)

36 (56.3%)

5 (1.0%)

55.2 (43.0,67.4)

Diagnosed TB Cases amongst the screened people with DM, and of the total People with DM


3 /41 (7.3%)

1/36 (2.8%)

2/5 (40.0%)



2/41 (4.9%)


2/5 (40.0%)


 TB cases of Screened PWD

5/41 (12.2%)

1/36 (2.8%)

4/5 (80.0%)


 TB cases of total recruited PWD

5/557 (0.9%)

1/64 (1.6%)

4/493 (0.8%)

  1. DM; Diabetes mellitus, PWD; People with DM, TB; Tuberculosis
  2. Screening coverages and comorbidities among TB Patients and People with Diabetes recorded between 2016 -2019. Abbreviations: RD = Risk difference; PWD = People with Diabetes mellitus