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Table 1 Summarizing the clinical and laboratory characteristics of patient

From: Giant compressive emphysema: a rare complication of COVID-19

Chronology of the event

Clinical and biological characteristics of the patient

10th day before his hospitalization

Influenza-like syndrome, febrile context

2nd day before his hospitalization

Progressively worsening dyspnea and chest pain that are accentuated by coughing and changing position

On admission

Clinical characteristics:

 No sign of shock

 Acute respiratory distress syndrome with pulse oxygen saturation 77% on room air, polypnea at 35 cycles per minute

 Condensation syndrome of the entire right lung

 Tympany and auscultatory silence of the left lung

On admission

Biological characteristics:

 Hyperleukocytosis: 27 × 103 k/µL, 96% (25 × 103 k/µL) neutrophils, 2% (0.54 × 103 k/µL) lymphocytes

 Thrombocytosis: 475 × 103 k/UL

C-reactive protein: 75 mg/L

D-dimer: 2571 ng/mL

The nasopharyngeal COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR): positive

HIV serology: negative

22nd day of hospitalization

Disappearance of signs of respiratory distress

Pulse oxygen saturation 94% at 2L/min oxygen

Desaturation at the slightest effort

24th day of hospitalization

Bullectomy surgery, with thoracic drainage

From the 7th day post-op

Long-term oxygen-dependent, at home

2 months after surgery

Died of a recurrence severe acute pneumonia