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Table 1 Characteristics of patients with necrotizing soft-tissue infection

From: Associations between YKL-40 and markers of disease severity and death in patients with necrotizing soft-tissue infection


Entire cohort (n = 161)



Age, years

61 (53–69)

Sex, male

98 (61)

Body mass index, kg/m2

26 (24–31)



Cardiovascular disease

75 (47)

Chronic kidney disease

13 (8)


17 (11)


40 (25)

Immune deficiency

12 (7)

Chronic liver disease

9 (6)


14 (9)

Peripheral vascular disease

21 (13)

Rheumatoid disease

11 (7)

No comorbidities

49 (30)

Pre-existing conditions


Active smokera

49 (30)

High alcohol consumptionb

23 (14)

Steroid treatment

21 (13)

Immunosuppressing drugs

15 (9)



Leukocyte count, 109/L

16.2 (11.4–22.7)

C-reactive protein, mg/L

224 (153–309)

Procalcitonin, µg/L

8.6 (2.1–37.1)

Creatinine, µmol/L

121 (79–307)

Lactate, mmol/L

2.3 (1.3–4.7)



SOFA scorec

8 (6–11)


45 (35–54)

Septic shocke

80 (50)

ICU length of stay, daysf

7 (4–13)

Amputation within 7 daysg

27 (17)

RRT within 7 days

35 (22)

30-day mortality, n (%, 95% CI)

28 (17, 12–24)

90-day mortality, n (%, 95% CI)

37 (23, 17–30)

  1. Continuous data are presented as medians (interquartile range, IQR) and categorial data as absolute numbers (percentage, %)
  2. COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ICU intensive care unit, RRT renal replacement therapy
  3. aData were missing for 38 (24%) patients. bHigh alcohol consumption defined as > 14 units of alcohol/week (female); > 21 units of alcohol/week (male), data were missing for 43 (27%) patients. cSequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score (Day 1); data were missing for 3 (2%) patients. dSimplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS II); data were missing for 4 (2%) patients. eFrom the first 24 h after admission. Septic shock defined as lactate > 2 mmol/l and use of vasopressor or inotrope. fTotal ICU length of stay including patients subsequently transferred to ICUs in other hospitals. g1 (50%) patients had NSTI on an extremity