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Table 5 Immunological and ART status of HIV-positive patients

From: The 12-month period prevalence and cardiac manifestations of HIV in patients with acute coronary syndrome at a tertiary hospital in Cape Town, South Africa: a retrospective cross-sectional study

Variable, n (%) except where specified


Viral load (copies/mL) (n = 26)

 Suppressed (< 200)

17 (65.4%)

 Unsuppressed (> 200)

9 (34.6%)

CD4+ count (cells/mm3) (n = 27)

 Median (IQR)

271 (355)

ART status (n = 30)

 Treated with ART at time of event

20 (66.7%)


8 (26.7%)

 Defaulted ARTs

2 (6.7%)

ART regimen (n = 20)


14 (70.0%)


1 (5.0%)


4 (20.0%)


1 (5.0%)

  1. IQR inter-quartile range, ART anti-retroviral therapy