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Table 1 Schedule of study visits and sample collections

From: Prospective Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Seroconversion (PASS) study: an observational cohort study of SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in healthcare workers

Clinic Visit Schedule

Baseline visit

Year 1

Year 2

Years 3 and 4

Every month through

August 2021

Every three months through

August 2022

Every six months through

August 2024

Risk Exposure Questionnaire



Quarterly b


Symptoms Review Questionnaire

Baseline and daily if symptoms present

B-monthly, or daily if symptoms present



Saliva for Coronavirus IgA

1 × 0.3 ml

0–1 × 0.3 mla

0–1 × 0.3 mla

0–1 × 0.3 mla

Seurm Separator Tubes (SST) for CoVID multiplex serology analysis

1 × 7.5 ml

1 × 7.5 ml

1 × 7.5 ml

1 × 7.5 ml

Mononuclear Cell Preparation Tube (CPT Na Citrate or CPT Na heparin) for PBMCs and plasma isolation

4–6 × 8 ml

0–6 × 8 mla

0–6 × 8 mla

0–6 × 8 mla

PAXgene for WB RNA transcriptonics

1 × 3 ml

0–1 × 3 mla

0–1 × 3 mla

0–1 × 3 mla

WB in EDTA tube for DNA analysis of B cell and T cell repertoires

1 × 2 ml

0–1 × 2 mla

0–1 × 2 mla

0–1 × 2 mla

Total blood volume (ml)

44.5–60.5 ml

7.5 ml - 60.5 ml

7.5 ml - 60.5 ml

7.5 ml - 60.5 ml

  1. a Intermittent sample collections (e.g. at key timepoints after infection or vaccination)
  2. The exact tubes to be drawn at each follow-up visit may change as determined by the primary investigator, but will not exceed 60.5 ml
  3. > Study participants will visit the clinic once a month through August 2021, and then switch to quarterly and semiannual intervals as indicated below
  4. b Participants that become COVID-19 infected or vaccinated after April of 2021 may be asked to continue monthly visits for the first quarter of year 2
  5. > Symptom questionnaires will end in August 2021
  6. > Risk exposure questionnaires will continue quarterly or semiannually after August 2021
  7. a Details on alternative sample collections:
  8. Participants that remain uninfected and unvaccinated -- > once yearly collection of saliva and all blood samples, except the PAXgene RNA tube
  9. Participants that test COVID-19 positive by PCR, antigen, or antibody test
  10. > first monthly visit after infection: collection of saliva and all blood samples, including EDTA and PAXgene RNA tubes
  11. > visits 3 and 6 months after positive test, twice yearly in year 2, yearly in years 3 and 4: collection of saliva and all blood samples, except the PAXgene RNA
  12. Participants vaccinated against COVID 19
  13. > visits within 1 week of the first COVID-19 vaccination: collection of saliva and all blood samples, including EDTA and PAXgene RNA tubes
  14. > visits within 1 week of the second COVID-19 vaccination: collection of saliva tube, 1x SST tube, 1x PAXgene RNA tube, and an EDTA tube
  15. > visits 1, 6, and 12 months after final vaccination, twice yearly in year 2, yearly in years 3 and 4: collection of saliva and all blood samples, except the PAXgene