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Table 1 Inclusion criteria based on the PICOS format for the study conducted

From: Efficacy and safety of artemisinin-based combination therapies for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in pediatrics: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria


Pediatrics including neonateswith microscopically confirmed, uncomplicated P. falciparum orVivax malaria.

With mono-infections

In-vitro studies


All with sever malaria

All with other types of malaria and co-infections/mixed infections


Treatment at least three-day course of an ACT (fixed dosed, co-blistered, or individually packaged (loose))


Studies that do not report ACT

For non-comparative trials, those with ACT and other drugs with antimalarial properties

Artemisinin mono-therapy


An ACT with or without comparative arm interventions (ACT with ACT, ACT with non-ACT, ACT alone)

Studies that do not report an ACT

Outcome measures

Efficacy: PCR corrected day 28 and 42 ACPR and

Safety: Adverse drug events including associated deaths

Follow-ups less than day 28



All study designs globally

Published in English

No restriction to number of authors

Published until March 06, 2020

phase III/IV clinical trials

News, communication, qualitative studies, case reports

all non-published studies and published in non –English languages

Phase I/II trials.


Must fulfill all above inclusion criteria’s

Must not include either of the above