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Fig. 2 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 2

From: Follow-up study on serum cholesterol profiles and potential sequelae in recovered COVID-19 patients

Fig. 2

Restoration of lipid levels and correlations of ratio of WBC and ratio of HDL-c levels in recovered COVID-19 patients. Serum LDL-c a and HDL-c b levels are presented from COVID-19 patients in non-TCHM severe/critical group without taking cholesterol-lowering drugs (n = 24) at follow-up and at the time of admission. Diamond boxes represent median (IQR) and whiskers represent SD in the plots. Dotted lines connect data points at the time of admission and at follow-up from the same subjects. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test (two-sided) is used to compare the variables at the times of admission with follow-up from the same subjects within subgroups. Note: “&” indicates statistically significant. c Correlations of ratio of WBC and ratio of HDL-c levels at the time of follow-up to admission in the follow-up COVID-19 patients. Increases in HDL-c significantly correlate with increases in numbers of WBC (in log2 scale). A Spearman correlation analysis is used. WBC, white blood cells

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