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Fig. 4 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 4

From: Rabies in Uganda: rabies knowledge, attitude and practice and molecular characterization of circulating virus strains

Fig. 4

Phylogeographic diffusion of rabies in Africa according to a continuous model. Spatial-temporal phylogenetic reconstruction using the same genetic dataset as for Fig. 3: 84 rabies virus including 27 virus strains isolated in Uganda and the other major strains circulating in Africa. Nodes and terminal taxa are represented by circles. Blue nodes are internal probable nodes, with position resulting from ancestral reconstruction state. Other (colored) nodes represent terminal taxa. Main lineages Africa 1 to 4 are represented by number 1 to 4, respectively. Node size represents the median length of the corresponding branch (and here reflects the age of the node). Red polygons represent the uncertainty range around internal node position (location 80% HPD). Branches are color gradient depicted according to their rate of evolution (2, 34E-4 [1,29E-4 – 3,31E-4] 95%HPD; blue: slower rate; red: faster rate). Maps were downloaded from

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