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Fig. 2 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 2

From: A novel optical biosensor for the early diagnosis of sepsis and severe Covid-19: the PROUD study

Fig. 2

Basic elements of the sepsis classification tool. Panels A to G are histograms comparing the absorption rates of the PPG optical biosensor (OB) between patients with sepsis (in blue) and not in sepsis (in dark red). a) Heart Rate. b) R 660/940 nm: absorption of oxygenated versus de-oxygenated hemoglobin. c) sysTimediff (395 to 940 nm): the difference in time between the systolic points in 395 to 940 nm in millisecond providing an approximation of the vessel diameter. d) R 530/940 nm: information on kidney function e) R 395/940 nm: levels of nitric oxide (NO). f) R 530/660 nm: ratio expressing poor oxygen absorption due to inflammatory interferences. g) Integration of absorption ratios 530/940 nm, 395/940 nm and 530/660 nm for sepsis classification. h) NO levels in the blood measured on day 1 by the Griess reaction. Circles denote outliers. The provided p-value refers to the comparison between non-sepsis and sepsis by the Mann-Whitney U test. i) NO levels in the blood measured on day 2 by the Griess reaction. Circles denote outliers. The provided p-value refers to the comparison between non-sepsis and sepsis by the Mann-Whitney U test. j) Correlation between the calculated algorithm of the OB and serum creatinine. The Spearman’s co-efficient of correlation (rs) and the respective p-value are provided

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