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Table 1 Model parameters and their interpretations

From: A dynamic model and some strategies on how to prevent and control hepatitis c in mainland China




Natural birth or death rate

Λ in (102,106)

Recruitment rate

l in (0, 0.1)

Transmission rate of the exposed generation

m in (0, 0.1)

Transmission rate of the acute infection generation

n in (0, 0.1)

Transmission rate of chronic infection generation

β1 in (0, 0.1)

Transmission infection rate of exposed population

β2 in (0, 0.1)

Transmission infection rate of acutely infected population

β3 in (0, 0.1)

Transmission infection rate of chronically infected population

γ in (0, 1/30)

Remove rate from recovered to susceptible

σ in (0, 0.05)

Rate of progression to acute stage from the exposed

α in (0, 0.5)

Transition rate for the acutely infected

d1 in (0, 0.01)

The mortality of acutely infected population

d2 in (0, 0.01)

The mortality of chronically infected population

ρ1 in (0, 0.1)

The proportion of natural recovered from acutely infected population

ρ2 in (0.5, 1)

The proportion of chronic infection from acutely infected population

δ in (0, 0.1)

Transition rate for the chronically infected

η1 in (0, 1)

The proportion of recovered from treated population

λ in (0, 1)

Transition rate for the treated

p1 in (0, 1)

The proportion of natural recovered from chronically infected population

\({\mathcal {R}_{0}}\)

The number of infected during the initial patient’s infectious (not sick) period