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Table 3 Difference in yield of screening in asylum seekers from countries depending on the WHO-estimated incidence of TB in their country of origin, adjusted for age, sex, and period-effects, 2002–2015, Germany, N = 116,813

From: Using country of origin to inform targeted tuberculosis screening in asylum seekers: a modelling study of screening data in a German federal state, 2002–2015


Rate Ratio

(95% CrI)

Country of origin with a WHO-estimated high incidence of TB (> 50 per 100,000) (Reference: Country of origin with a WHO-estimated low and intermediate incidence of TB (≤ 50 per 100,000)).


(2.86, 6.59)

Age (years)


(1.00, 1.03)

Female (vs. male)


(0.26, 0.72)

Period (Reference: 2002–2012)



(0.20, 0.83)



(0.62, 1,49)



(0.44, 1.1)

  1. CrI credible interval, TB tuberculosis. Difference in observations to N = 119,037 are due to a complete case analysis and missing data for country of origin (n = 2042), age (n = 88), sex (114). Bold figures: 95% CrI larger or smaller than 1