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Table 4 Characteristics related to the irrigation regimen, ART time and virological failure time associated with virological suppression after 48 weeks from the start of the rescue scheme

From: Virologic suppression in response to antiretroviral therapy despite extensive resistance within HIV-1 reverse transcriptase after the first virologic failure

Viral load (VL)



n (%)


n (%)


PR 95% IC


Time to virologic failure (months)


0, 029a

  < 12

22 (42, 3)

25 (23, 4)

1, 00



13 (25, 0)

45 (42, 0)

0, 48

0, 27 – 0, 84


  > 24

17 (32, 7)

37 (34, 6)

0, 67

0, 41 – 1, 11


∆t on ART (months)


0, 022a

  ≤ 36

23 (44, 2)

28 (26, 2)

1, 00


  > 36

29 (55, 8)

79 (73, 8)

0, 60

0, 39 – 0, 92


ART rescue NRTI


0, 711b


36 (69, 2)

62 (57, 9)

1, 00



7 (13, 5)

18 (16, 8)

0, 76

0, 39 – 1, 50



7 (13, 5)

19 (17, 8)

0, 73

0, 37 – 1, 45



0 (0, 0)

1 (0, 9)



1 (1, 9)

1 (0, 9)

1, 36

0, 33 – 5, 58



1 (1, 9)

6 (5, 6)

0, 39

0, 00 – 2, 43


ART rescue PI


0, 013b


24 (46, 1)

55 (51, 5)

2, 13

0, 71 – 6, 39



20 (38, 5)

33 (30, 8)

2, 64

0, 88–7, 96



3 (5, 8)

18 (16, 8)

1, 00



5 (9, 6)

1, (0, 9)

5, 83

1, 93 – 17, 65


ART rescue with RAL


0, 050a


5 (9, 6)

24 (22, 4)

1, 00



47 (90, 4)

83 (77, 6)

2, 10

0, 91 – 4, 81




0, 947a

  < 2

8 (15, 4)

15 (14, 0)

1, 11

0, 57 – 2, 14



22 (42, 3)

44 (41, 1)

1, 06

0, 65 – 1, 72


  > 2

22 (42, 3)

48 (44, 9)

1, 00

  1. aChi-square test bFisher’s exact test; PR prevalence ratio, CI Confidence interval, NNRTI nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NRTI nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors, AZT zidovudine, TAM analogous thymidine mutation, 3TC lamivudine, TDF tenofovir, PI protease inhibitor, LPV/r lopinavir/ritonavir, ATV/r- atazanavir/ritonavir, DRv/r Darunavir/ritonavir, FPV/r fosamprenavir/ritonavir, GSS genotypic sensitivity score