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Table 3 Outcomes of interest to be analysed

From: Assessment of the effect of larval source management and house improvement on malaria transmission when added to standard malaria control strategies in southern Malawi: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial



Source of Data

Entomological inoculation rate (EIR)*

abundance of female malaria vectors collected per trap-night, multiplied by proportion† positive for Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites; indoor-only, outdoor-only, and pooled*

Routine monitoring of adult mosquitoes

Malaria vector community composition

Ratio† of An. funestus to An. gambiae to An. arabiensis

Routine monitoring of adult mosquitoes  

Malaria vector human blood index (HBI)

Proportion† of Anopheles with human blood in abdomen out of all blood-fed Anopheles

Resting mosquito collections

Peak malaria vector biting time

Time of day (starting hour to ending hour) when 80% of host-seeking malaria vectors collected

Human landing collections

Larval mosquito density

Number of 3rd instar, 4th instar, and pupae per metre of potential larval habitat

Routine monitoring of larval mosquitoes

Parasite prevalence in children aged 6–59 months

Proportion† of RDT tests positive for Plasmodium falciparum

Malaria indicator surveys

Prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6–59 months

Proportion† of anemia tests with Hb < 8.0

Malaria indicator surveys

Incidence of clinical malaria in children aged 6–59 months

Number of clinical malaria cases per child per year

Incidence study cohorts

  1. *Primary outcome†Raw data for proportions will be stored as separate numbers in the database, with actual proportions calculated at time of analysis only; also applies to ratios.Â