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Table 1 Baseline characteristics for children randomized to BCG in the study on the association between BCG vaccination skin reaction and the development of a scar

From: The association between Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination (1331 SSI) skin reaction and subsequent scar development in infants


BCG skin reaction & scar study

n = 492

Sex (male)a

257 (52%)

Prematurity (GA < 37)

10 (2%)

Caesarean section

108 (22%)

Birth weight in grams (mean ± SD)

3501 ± 504

Age at time of randomization <1 day

75 (15%)

Maternal BCG

92 (19%) [2]

At least one parent of non-Danish ethnicity

98 (20%)[0]

Maternal smoking during pregnancy

49 (10%)[0]

Level of maternal education


Basic schooling and non-theoretical education

96 (20%)

Theoretical education incl. BA level

212 (43%)

Master level or more

183 (37%)


192 (39%)

Atopic predispositionb

336 (68%)

  1. a n number (Frequency) [not available] unless otherwise stated
  2. b Atopic predisposition defined as at least one first degree relative with atopic disease. Atopic disease is defined as physician-diagnosed atopic eczema, asthma, and allergic rhino conjunctivitis or food allergy