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Table 5 cART-experienced and cART-naïve RPV/TDF/FTC patients who discontinued treatment between April 2014 and October 2015; reasons for discontinuation and next cART regimen

From: Rilpivirine use in the Swiss HIV cohort study: a prospective cohort study


Number (%) of patients



RPV/TDF/FTC (n = 48)


RPV/TDF/FTC (n = 596)

Number of patients discontinuating

7 (14.5%)

159 (26.7%)

Reasons for discontinuation

 Treatment failure

1 (2.1%)

5 (0.8%)

 Physician decision

2 (4.2%)

34 (5.7%)

 Patient request

1 (2.1%)

11 (1.8%)

 CNS toxicity

0 (0%)

10 (1.7%)

 Availability of more effective treatment

1 (2.1%)

7 (1.2%)

 Kidney toxicity

0 (0%)

7 (1.2%)

 Other toxicities (including gastrointestinal, liver, endocrine, dyslipidemia, abnormal fat distribution)

0 (0%)

8 (1.3%)

 Other causes (pregnancy, enrolment in drug trial, drug interaction, prevention of side-effects, non-compliance)

0 (0%)

8 (1.3%)

 Unspecified causes

0 (0%)

9 (1.5%)


2 (4.2%)

60 (10.1%)

Next treatment regimen after discontinuation



  DTG/ABC/3TC co-formulation

2 (4.2%)

25 (4.2%)

  EGV/COB/TDF/FTC co-formulation

2 (4.2%)

16 (2.7%)

  Other DTG-based regimen

1 (2.1%)

29 (4.9%)

  Other EVG-based regimen

0 (0%)

3 (0.5%)

  RAL-based regimen

1 (1.2%)

13 (2.2%)


0 (0%)

18 (3.0%)


0 (0%)

24 (4.0%)


0 (0%)

4 (0.7%)


1 (1.2%)

27 (4.5%)

  1. cART combined antiretroviral treatment, RPV/TDF/FTC rilpivirine/tenofovir/emtricitabine, CNS central nervous system, INSTI integrase strand transfer inhibitor, DTG dolutegravir, ABC abacavir, 3TC emtricitabine, EGV elvitegravir, COB cobicistat, PI protease inhibitor