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Fig. 1 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 1

From: The clinical and virological features of the first imported case causing MERS-CoV outbreak in South Korea, 2015

Fig. 1

Imaging changes in the first case of Korean MERS-CoV infection outbreak. Panel a and b (May 15, 2015) shows diffuse ground-glass opacity infiltration and consolidation in central portion of right upper lung lobe. Panel c-g (May 16–20, 2015) shows aggravation of the multiple patchy pulmonary infiltration in right lung and left middle lung field. Panel h and i (July 3, 2015) show peribronchial infiltration and collapse consolidation of the right upper lobe and pleural effusion in right. Panel j and k (June 15, 2016) show that infiltrations in both lungs are generally improved compared to previous findings but fibrosis and distorted bronchial thickening remain in right upper lobe

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