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Table 1 Information queried via quantitative assessment

From: Comparing self- and provider-collected swabbing for HPV DNA testing in female-to-male transgender adult patients: a mixed-methods biobehavioral study protocol

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Age; Race/Ethnicity; Education; Employment status; Income; Relationship status; Children; Housing stability; Zip code; Cross streets

Transgender History & Gender Affirmation

Sex assigned at birth; Gender identity; Pronouns; Childhood gender behavior/feelings; Ages of transgender first awareness, gender affirmation, disclosure; Legal gender affirmation status (i.e., legal documents); Internalized stigma; Physical gender affirmation status (i.e., binding, testosterone, surgery); Access to gender-affirming care

General Healthcare Access (for routine care not related to transition)

Insurance; Barriers to accessing care; Healthcare satisfaction; Healthcare avoidance; Experiences of discrimination in healthcare; Anticipated stigma in healthcare

General Sexual Health

Age of menarche; Gender(s) of sexual partners (lifetime); Age at first intercourse; History of contraception, pregnancy, and childbirth; Parenting desires; Beliefs about cervical Pap tests; Pap testing history; HPV vaccine and testing history; HPV risk beliefs; HIV testing history; PrEP knowledge and use; STI testing, diagnosis, treatment, and partner notification history; Libido and sexual satisfaction; STI knowledge and beliefs; Anticipated acceptability of and comfort with self- and provider-collection methods

Sexual Risk Activity

Sexual orientation; Gender(s) of sexual partners (past 36 months); Unprotected sexual contact (past 36 months); Partner-level sexual activity (3 most recent partners in past 12 months) ➔ Gender of partner; Relationship type; Sexual activities (e.g., oral-genital performed/received, receptive and/or insertive vaginal or anal sex) and barrier use frequency; Partner HIV/STI status

Trauma, Victimization & Resilience

Childhood abuse/trauma (prior to 18 years of age); Adult abuse/trauma; Intimate Partner Violence (lifetime and past 12 months); Victimization and attribution; Physical symptoms due to victimization; Stress recovery/Resilience; Social support

Mental Health & Substance Use

Mental health treatment (lifetime and current); Depression (CESD-10); Anxiety (BSI-18); Self- and community-acceptance; Suicide attempts (lifetime and past 12 months); Non-lethal self-injury (lifetime and past 12 months); Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use (past 6 months)


Cancer history (self and family); BMI; Weight description; Weight management; Body consciousness; Nutrition; Exercise