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Table 2 Patient demographics and disease characteristics at baseline (MITT/cIAI population and mMITT/cUTI population)

From: Analysis of patients with diabetes and complicated intra-abdominal infection or complicated urinary tract infection in phase 3 trials of ceftolozane/tazobactam


Diabetes n = 198

No diabetes n = 1408

Differencea; P value

cIAI, n (%)

65 (32.8)

741 (52.6)

cUTI, n (%)

133 (67.2)

667 (47.4)

Sex, n (%)


73 (36.9)

601 (42.7)

5.8; 0.12061


125 (63.1)

807 (57.3)

−5.8; 0.12061

Age, years

 Mean (SD)

60 (13.9)

48 (18.9)

  ≥ 18–<65, n (%)

123 (62.1)

1099 (78.1)

15.9; <0.00001

  ≥ 65–<75, n (%)

46 (23.2)

166 (11.8)

−11.4; <0.00001

  > 75, n (%)

29 (14.6)

143 (10.2)

−4.5; 0.05581

Race, n (%)


159 (80.3)

1282 (91.1)

10.7; <0.00001


0 (0.0)

17 (1.2)

1.2; 0.12020


30 (15.2)

64 (4.5)

−10.6; <0.00001


9 (4.5)

45 (3.2)

−1.4; 0.29496

Geographic region, n (%)

 North America

17 (8.6)

59 (4.2)

−4.4; 0.00640

 South America

26 (13.1)

127 (9.0)

−4.1; 0.06511

 Western Europe

3 (1.5)

27 (1.9)

0.4; 0.69541

 Eastern Europe

118 (59.6)

1095 (77.8)

18.2; <0.00001

 Rest of world

34 (17.2)

100 (7.1)

−10.1; <0.00001

Weight, kg

 Mean (SD)

79 (17.2)

74 (17.2)

−5.28; 0.00003

  ≥ 75 kg, n (%)

113 (57.1)

627 (44.5)

−12.5; 0.00092

BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD)

29 (5.8)

26 (5.4)

−3.24; <0.00001

APACHE II score (cIAI), N b




  < 10, n (%)

43 (66.2)

614 (83.0)

−16.8; <0.0008

  ≥ 10, n (%)

22 (33.8)

126 (17.0)


Baseline creatinine clearance, n (%)


1 (0.5)

0 (0.0)


 Normal, ≥80 mL/min

101 (51.0)

983 (69.8)

18.8; <0.00001

 Impairment, <80 mL/min

96 (48.5)

425 (30.2)

  Mild, ≥50 to <80 mL/min

64 (32.2)

359 (25.5)

−6.8; 0.04123

  Moderate, ≥30 to <50 mL/min

31 (15.7)

63 (4.5)

−11.2; <0.00001

  Severe, <30 mL/min

1 (0.5)

3 (0.2)

−0.3; 0.44038

Disease type, n (%)c

 cIAI, N



  Acute gastric or duodenal perforation

4 (6.2)

67 (9.0)

2.9; 0.43116

  Appendiceal perforation or periappendiceal abscess

14 (21.5)

364 (49.1)

27.6; 0.00002

  Cholecystitis, including gangrenous

21 (32.3)

120 (16.2)

−16.1; 0.00105

  Diverticular disease with perforation or abscess

8 (12.3)

57 (7.7)

−4.6; 0.19036

  Traumatic perforation of the intestine

0 (0.0)

12 (1.6)

1.6; 0.30158


8 (12.3)

66 (8.9)

−3.4; 0.36290

  Other intra-abdominal abscess

10 (15.4)

55 (7.4)

−8.0; 0.02388

 cUTI, N




106 (79.7)

550 (82.5)

2.8; 0.44971


27 (20.3)

117 (17.5)

−2.8; 0.44971

  Treatment group, n (%)c

 cIAI, N



  Ceftolozane/tazobactam + metronidazole

32 (49.2)

357 (48.2)

−1.1; 0.87072


33 (50.8)

384 (51.8)

1.1; 0.87072

 cUTI, N




67 (50.4)

331 (49.6)

−0.8; 0.87444


66 (49.6)

336 (50.4)

0.8; 0.87444

  1. APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, BMI body mass index, cIAI complicated intra-abdominal infection, cLUTI complicated lower urinary tract infection, cUTI complicated urinary tract infection, MITT microbiologic intention-to-treat, mMITT modified microbiologic intention-to-treat, SD standard deviation
  2. aPercentage difference calculated for patients with history of diabetes versus those with no history of diabetes
  3. bExpressed as a percentage of the patients with or without diabetes in the cIAI population only
  4. cExpressed as a percentage of the patients with or without diabetes in the cIAI or cUTI population