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Table 2 Incremental costs, QALYs gained and ICERs for the total New Zealand adult population including a subset of the population with high risk of gastric cancer (Māori), comparing serology and fecal antigen as the screening test, in 2011 with lifetime follow-up of participants

From: A screening program to test and treat for Helicobacter pylori infection: Cost-utility analysis by age, sex and ethnicity

Model output

Total population

25–69 yo


25-69 yo


25–69 yo

Serology based screening

 Men and women

  Number cases of gastric cancer averted

3658 (1252–4425)

1007 (342–1828)

2650 (905–4837)

  Percentage cases of gastric cancer averted

16.5% (5.6%–29.4%)

21.6% (7.4%–38.6%)

15.2% (5.2%–27%)

  Number of gastric cancer deaths averted

2434 (834–4425)

714 (242–1293)

1720 (588–3141)

  Percentage gastric cancer deaths averted

16.6% (5.7%–29.5%)

21.6% (7.3%–38.6%)

15.2% (5.2%–27%)

  Total net incremental cost (NZ$ million)

$293 ($272–$314)

$41 ($35–$46)

$252 ($233–$272)

   Total intervention cost (NZ$ million)

$294 ($282–$307)

$41 ($38–$45)

$253 ($242-$264)

   Total cost offsets (NZ$ million)

-$1.5 (-$26.2–$22.9)

-$0.61 (-$7.35–$6.21)

-$0.89 ($-22.7–$21.7)

  Total QALYs gained

14,200 (5100–26,300)

4000 (1400–7400)

10,200 (3653–18974)

  Incremental net cost per participant (NZ$)

$119 ($111–$128)

$137 ($117–$158)

$117 ($108–$126)

  Incremental QALYs gained per participant

0.0058 (0.0020–0.0107)

0.0137 (0.0047–0.0252)

0.0047 (0.0016–0.0087)

  ICER (NZ$ per QALY gained)

$24,600 ($11,300–$57,400)

$12,000 ($5700–$27,600)

$29,600 ($13,400–$69,800)


  Incremental cost per participant (NZ$)

$123 ($113–$134)

$147 ($123–$173)

$120 ($110–$131)

  Incremental QALYs gained per participant

0.0071 (0.0024–0.0131)

0.0158 (0.0055–0.0293)

0.0059 (0.0020–0.0110)

  ICER (NZ$ per QALY gained)

$20,800 ($9800–$47,900)

$11,000 ($5600–$24,300)

$24,300 ($11,300–$57,100)


  Incremental cost per participant (NZ$)

$116 ($108–$124)

$129 ($110–$148)

$114 ($105–$123)

  Incremental QALYs gained per participant

0.0046 (0.0016–0.0085)

0.0118 (0.0040–0.0217)

0.0036 (0.0012–0.0067)

  ICER (NZ$ per QALY gained)

$30,200 ($13, 400–$71,400)

$13,200 ($5900–$31,300)

$38,000 ($16,800–$89,900)

Fecal antigen based screening

 Men and women

  Total incremental cost (NZ$ million)

$369 ($350–$389)

$49 ($44–$55)

$320 ($301–$339)

  Total QALYs gained

15,300 (5400–27,700)

4200 (1500–7600)

11,000 (3830–20,200)

  Incremental cost per participant (NZ$)

$150 ($142–$158)

$164 ($147–$182)

$148 ($139–$156)

  Incremental QALYs gained per participant

0.0061 (0.0022–0.0111)

0.0142 (0.0051–0.0259)

0.0050 (0.0018–0.0092)

  ICER (NZ$ per QALY)

$29,000 ($13,600–$65,900)

$13,700 ($6700–$30,500)

$34,900 ($16,300–$79,100)

  1. Central estimates are the mean from the probabilistic sensitivity analysis Monte Carlo simulations and the brackets indicate the 95% uncertainty intervals
  2. QALY quality-adjusted life year with disability weights, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio