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Table 1 Diagnostic certainty categories for cases of TB disease in childrena

From: Why being an expert – despite xpert –remains crucial for children in high TB burden settings

Diagnostic Certainty Group

Definition of Case Categories

Confirmed tuberculosis

A child with Mycobacterium tuberculosis identified from a clinical specimen using any microbiologic diagnostic test available (e.g. smear, culture, or Xpert) and at least one sign or symptom suggestive of tuberculosis

Probable tuberculosis

A child with one or more of the following clinical symptoms:

• Abnormal CXR consistent with TB

• Cough duration greater than 2 weeks

• Weight loss or failure to thrive (WHZ-score less than −2)

• Fever greater than 2 weeks

• Signs/symptoms of disseminated TB

And one (or more) of the following:

• Documented exposure to TB in the preceding 24 months

• A positive clinical response to anti-tuberculosis treatment

• Immunologic (TST or IGRA) evidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

Possible tuberculosis

A child with one or more of the following clinical symptoms:

• Abnormal CXR consistent with TB

• Cough greater than 2 weeks

• Weight loss or failure to thrive (WHZ-score less than –2)

• Fever greater than 2 weeks

  1. aAdapted from Graham et al. [17]