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Table 1 Parameters

From: Cost and cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment shortening: a model-based analysis

Parameter, value [range]

South Africa





Population distribution

Smear-positivity: HIV-negative, HIV-positive no ART, HIV-positive ART

0.69, 0.35, 0.45

[29] [30]

MDR prevalence, among new patients





[1, 31, 32]

Prevalence of HIV in TB patients





[1, 33, 34]

Diagnosis of TB

 TB diagnosis, sensitivity, smear, HIV negative

0.72 [0.62–0.82]

[29, 35]

 TB diagnosis, sensitivity, smear, HIV positive

0.47 [0.51–0.43]

[29, 35]

 TB diagnosis, sensitivity, GeneXpert, smear positive

0.98 [0.97–0.99]


 TB diagnosis, sensitivity, GeneXpert, smear negative

0.68 [0.59–0.75]


 TB diagnosis, specificity, GeneXpert, all

0.98 [0.97–0.99]


 TB diagnosis, specificity, smear, all



 RIF-resistance diagnosis, sensitivity, GeneXpert, all

0.94 [0.87–0.97]


 RIF-resistance diagnosis, specificity, GeneXpert, all

0.98 [0.97–0.99]


Outcomes (first line treatment)

 Pr mortality:

  Pan-sensitive, HIV negative

0.03 [0.02–0.03]


  MDR, HIV negative

0.11 [0.08–0.13]


  Pan-sensitive, HIV positive, ART

0.07 [0.05–0.09]


  Pan-sensitive, HIV positive, no ART

0.33 [0.30–0.43]


  MDR, HIV positive, ART

0.11 [0.10–0.21]

[38, 39]

  MDR, HIV positive, no ART

0.85 [0.72–0.98]


 Pr cure, if treatment completed:


0.97 [0.95–0.98]



0.50 [0.40–0.55]


 Pr cure, if less than 2 months treatment completed

  HIV negative, smear negative

0.20 [0.15–0.25]


  HIV negative, smear positive

0.30 [0.20–0.40]


  HIV positive, smear neg/pos, no ART

0 [0–0.05]


  HIV positive, smear negative, ART

0.10 [0.05–0.15]


  HIV positive, smear positive, ART

0.05 [0–0.10]


 Pr cure, if default at (standard 6mo regimen):

  2–3 months, pan-sensitive

0.68 [0.50–0.80]


  2–3 months, MDR

0.35 [0.21–0.45]


  4–5 months, pan-sensitive

0.86 [0.70–0.89]

[44, 45]

  4–5 months, MDR

0.48 [0.29–0.51]

[44, 45]

 Pr cure, if default at (new 4mo regimen):

  2–3 months, pan-sensitive

0.74 [0.57–0.83]


  2–3 months, MDR

0.38 [0.23–0.47]


Outcomes (second round of treatment)

 Pr patients returning to care after default

0.21 [0.10–0.70]


 Pr patients staying in care after failure

0.60 [0.40–0.80]


 Pr mortality

  HIV negative/positive ART, pan-sensitive

0.06 [0.04–0.07]


  HIV negative/positive ART, MDR

0.15 [0.10–0.20]


  HIV positive no ART, pan-sensitive

0.33 [0.30–0.43]


  HIV positive no ART, MDR

0.85 [0.72–0.98]


MDR treatment and long term outcomes

 Pr cure, MDR treatment (including default)



 Mortality during MDR treatment



 Pr long term mortality (chronic TB patient or default patient if no return to care)

0.75 [0.50–0.99]


 Self-cure among chronic TB patients



DALYs averted (discounted at 0.03/year)

 HIV negative, smear negative

12.5 [11.3–13.8]

19.3 [17.4–21.3]

15.3 [13.7–16.8]

14.2 [12.8–15.7]

Additional file 1

 HIV negative, smear positive

15.2 [13.7–16.7]

22.0 [19.8–24.2]

17.9 [16.1–19.7]

16.9 [15.2–18.6]

Additional file 1

 HIV positive, smear negative, no ART

1.8 [1.6–2.0]

1.8 [1.6–2.0]

1.8 [1.6–2.0]

1.8 [1.6–2.0]

Additional file 1

 HIV positive, smear positive, no ART

2.0 [1.8–2.2]

2.0 [1.8–2.2]

2.0 [1.8–2.2]

2.0 [1.8–2.2]

Additional file 1

 HIV positive, smear negative, ART

9.9 [8.9–10.9]

9.9 [8.9–10.9]

9.9 [8.9–10.9]

9.9 [8.9–10.9]

Additional file 1

 HIV positive, smear positive, ART

10.1 [9.1–11.1]

10.1 [9.1–11.1]

10.1 [9.1–11.1]

10.1 [9.1–11.1]

Additional file 1

  1. HIV human immunodeficiency virus, TB tuberculosis, ART antiretroviral treatment, MDR multidrug resistant, Pr probability
  2. Parameters with one value are included in the model as point estimates; parameters with a value and a range were included in the model as triangular distributions; parameters with only a range of two values were included in the model as a uniform distribution