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Table 1 Case-patient timeline

From: Human meningitis due to Streptococcus suis in Lomé, Togo: a case report


Presenting concerns

Physical examination




Day of admission

32-year-old man, carpenter in Lomé No particular medical history

3-day history of headaches, agitation, vomiting, fever

Body temperature: 36.4 °C Neurological examination: normal Clinical examination: normal

Cranial computed tomography: not performed

Acute meningeal hemorrhage

Symptomatic treatment

Day 2

Persisting symptoms Fever

Neck stiffness Kernig and Brudzinski signs positive

Lumbar puncture: turbid CSFa

CSF analysis: -WBCa: 2,800/mm3 (65 % lymphocytes,35 % neutrophils)

- Protein: 1.8 g/L - Glucose: 0.47 g/L (plasma 1.41 g/L; ratio = 0.33) - Gram stain: negative

Bacterial meningitis

Wide-spectrum antibiotic therapy: ceftriaxone, ofloxacin, metronidazole

Day 3




CSF culture positive: catalase negative, gram-positive cocci in chains


Adapted antibiotic therapy: ampicillin, gentamicin Corticoid therapy

Day 4

Patient reported working as a pork butcher every weekend


Bacterial identification: Streptococcus suis Audiogram: severe hearing loss in left and right ears (80 dB)

Bacterial meningitis due to S. suis with neurological complications


Month 9



Audiogram: severe hearing loss in left and right ears (80 dB)

Neurological sequelae of the meningitis

  1. aCSF cerebrospinal fluid, WBC white blood cells