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Table 1 Findings of Coccidioides spp. in non-human animals

From: The habitat of Coccidioides spp. and the role of animals as reservoirs and disseminators in nature




Terrestrial mammals in captivity

Panthera tigris tigris (bengal tiger)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Macropus rufus (kangaroo)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Theropithecus gelada (primate)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Lama glama (llama)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Papio cynocephalus (yellow baboon)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Tayassu tacaju (collared peccary)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Tayassu tacaju (peccary)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Lemur catta (lemur)

Post-mortem (serology)


Lama glama (llama)

Post-mortem (histopathology, serology and culture)


Mandrillus sphinx (mandrill)

Post-mortem (histopathology, serology and culture)


Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)

Post-mortem (histopathology, serology and culture)


Phascolarctos cinereus (koala)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Bison antiquus (bison)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Panthera tigris corbetti (tiger)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)



Diceros bicornis (rhino)

Post-mortem (histology and serology)


Lama glama (llama)

Post-mortem (histopathology, serology and culture)


Nomascus gabriellae (monkey)



Vicugna pacos (vicuna)

Post-mortem (histopathology, serology and PCR)


Marine mammals in captivity

Zatopilus californianus (sea lion)

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture)


Enhydra lutris (otter)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Zalophus californianus (sea lion)

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture)


Tursiops truncatus (dolphin)

Post-mortem (histopathology, serology and culture)


Domestic mammals

Ovis aries (sheep)



Sus domestica (pig)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Equus caballus (mare)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Ovis canadensis nelsoni (ram)

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture)


Equus caballus (mare)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Equus caballus (mare).

Histopathology and culture


Equus caballus (mare)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Canis lupus familiaris (dog)

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture


Equus caballus (mare)

Post-mortem (histology and serology)


Canis lupus familiaris (dog)

Histology and X-ray


Canis lupus familiaris (dog)

Serology and X-ray


Equus ferus przewalskii (horse)

Records and histopathology


Canis lupus familiaris (dog)



Equus caballus (horse)

Serology and culture


Felis silvestris domesticus (cat)

Serology and culture


Canis lupus familiaris (dog)

Post-mortem (histology and serology)


Felis silvestris domesticus (cat)

Histopathology and serology


Wild mammals

Canis latrans (coyote)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Felis concolor (cougar)

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture)


Felis concolor (cougar)

Post-mortem (histopathology)


Dasypus novemcinctus

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture)




Glossophaga soricina and Desmodus rotundus (bats)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)


Peromyscus maniculatus and Neotoma lepida (rodents)

Post-mortem (serology)



Pituophis melanoleucus affini (snake)

Post-mortem (histopathology and culture)


Masticophis flagellum piceus (snake)

Post-mortem (histopathology and serology)



Gallus gallus domesticus (chicken)

Post-mortem (culture)


  1. PCR polymerase chain reaction