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Table 1 Baseline characteristics at admission of patients with community-acquired bacterial meningitis excluding patients treated with pre-hospital parenteral antibiotics

From: Time to antibiotic therapy and outcome in bacterial meningitis: a Danish population-based cohort study

Patient characteristic at admission (n = 173)

Total cohort

Age (years)

58 (45–70)


84 (49)


62/173 (36)

Diagnosis of meningitis suspected at referral to hospital

35/173 (20)

Diagnosed with meningitis at admission to hospital

120/173 (69)

Duration of symptoms (days) (n = 164)

2 (2–5)


96/119 (81)


87/102 (85)


40/135 (30)

Neck stiffness

113/160 (71)

Focal neurological deficitb

29/130 (22)

New-onset seizures

17/173 (10)

Meningitis triad (neck stiffness, fever, impaired mental status)

78/173 (45)

Temperature (°C) (n = 169)

38.9 (38.0–39.9)

Blood pressure, systolic (mmHg) (n = 157)

138 (119–159)

Pulse rate (bpm) (n = 156)

99 (87–116)

Glasgow Coma Score


82 (47)


61 (35)

 < 9

30 (17)

C-reactive protein (mg/L) (n = 170)

211 (110–298)

Blood leukocytes (109/L) (n = 171)

17 (11–24)

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

31/173 (18)


 Leukocytes (106/L) (n = 164)

1925 (204–6081)

 Erythrocytes (106/L) (n = 164)

145 (18–593)

 CSF-glucose (mmol/L) (n = 163)

0.9 (0.1–3.1)

 CSF/blood glucose ratio (n = 163)

0.1 (0.01–0.4)

 CSF protein (g/L) (n = 166)

3.7 (1.9–7.9)


S. pneumoniae

96/173 (55)

N. meningitidis

36/173 (21)


41/173 (24)

Antibiotics for sepsis given before meningitis was diagnosed

11/173 (6)

Time to antibiotic therapy for meningitis (h, n = 173)

2.0 (1.0–5.5)

Dexamethasone treatmentc

55/116 (47)

Cranial imaging before lumbar puncture

60/173 (35)

Cranial imaging during hospitalisation

134/173 (77)

Intensive care unit admission

104/173 (60)

Unfavourable outcome (GOS 1–4)

77/173 (45)


33/173 (19)

  1. Binary variables are listed as n/N (%) and continuous variables as medians (IQR). aAlcoholism, asplenia, cancer, cirrhosis, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency including HIV, diabetes mellitus, heart failure (ejection fraction <40 %) and renal impairment (serum creatinine >130 μmol/L). bParaesthesia, motor or cranial nerve paresis. cPatients included after implementation of adjunctive dexamethasone treatment in 2002