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Table 1 Patient characteristics and STI status of 20 women with BV and 20 women without BV, as diagnosed by the STI outpatient clinic Public Health Service Amsterdam, in June and July 2012

From: Molecular assessment of bacterial vaginosis by Lactobacillus abundance and species diversity


BV-negative women

n = 20

(% of BV-negative women)

BV-positive women

n = 20

(% of BV-positive women)

Inclusion criteria


 Referred by physician or notified by sexual partner

4 (20 %)

4 (20 %)

 Vaginal complaints

16 (80 %)

20 (100 %)

Patient characteristics


 Median age (years) (IQR)

23 (22–25)

22.5 (21–27)

 Any STI

3 (15 %)

7 (35 %)


2 (10 %)

5 (25 %)


Type 1

1 (5 %)


Type 2




1 (5 %)

1 (5 %)



1 (5 %)

 HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B, Moluscum Contagiosum, Scabies, Ulcus, PID

All negative

  1. The subjects included in this study had either vaginal signs and/or symptoms, were referred by a physician for STI testing or tested because a sexual partner with a proven STI had notified them. The number of women based on the inclusion criteria and STI status is shown (n). The percentage (%) of women with STIs is shown