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Table 1 Questionnaires and surveys, Nicaraguan Pediatric influenza cohort study, Managua, Nicaragua, 2011–2013

From: The Nicaraguan pediatric influenza cohort study: design, methods, use of technology, and compliance

Survey/Case report form


Medical consult form

>80 item case report form completed by study nurses and physicians. Includes data on: height, weight, tympanic temperature, blood pressure, respiratory and heart rates, lower and upper respiratory symptoms, systemic symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms, and nutritional status

Influenza follow-up form

Collects daily information on 14 signs and symptoms. Filled out by physician at follow-up appointments for all possible influenza cases.

Household annual SES and risk factor survey

Questionnaire completed per household. Includes 31 questions on crowding, water access, socioeconomic level, presence of animals, smoking and cooking inside the house.

Participant annual risk factor survey

44 questions focusing on medical history, socio-demographic information, individual risk factors and vaccination

Height and weight survey

Height and weight are measured twice. If there is >5 % difference between the two measurements, a third measurement is taken.

Breastfeeding survey

9 questions about current and past breastfeeding

Satisfaction survey

12 questions about the quality of the service provided by study staff in different areas (admission, nurses, physicians, clinical laboratory)