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Fig. 3 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 3

From: The potential of a multiplex high-throughput molecular assay for early detection of first and second line tuberculosis drug resistance mutations to improve infection control and reduce costs: a decision analytical modeling study

Fig. 3

The effect of variation in improvement in the clinical sensitivity and specificity of the assay molecular markers in scenario C (improved markers) on potential nosocomial transmission person months. Legend: The horizontal axis reflects the proportional decrease in false-negative (FN) and false-positive (FP) results (reflecting improvement in clinical accuracy) for second-line resistance in scenario MRD C. The vertical axis represents the number of potential nosocomial transmission person months (PNTPM) per 1000 TB patients in the simulated cohort. Scenario MRD A. represents the MRD assay following culture; MRD B. Improved analytical sensitivity; In scenarios MRD A. and B. the sensitivity and specificity are as reported in the primary analysis. In scenario MRD C. (improved clinical accuracy) the default proportion reduction in FN and FP results was 0.8 in the primary analysis. The vertical dotted line represents the minimum decrease in the proportion FN and FP that is required to ensure that PNTPM in scenario MRD C are at least equal to the Base case. The PNTPM in scenarios MDR A and B exceed that of the Base case, reflecting greater potential for nosocomial transmission

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