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Table 4 Quality assessment of cohort studies

From: Efficacy and safety of abacavir-containing combination antiretroviral therapy as first-line treatment of HIV infected children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Quality evaluation

Brennan 2014 [29]

Technau 2014 yy

Representativeness of the exposed cohort



Selection of the non-exposed cohort



Ascertainment of exposure



Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at the start of the study






Assessment of outcomes



Was follow up long enough for outcomes to occur



Adequacy of follow up of cohorts



Total score



  1. Table 4 shows the quality assessment of each of the included cohort studies using the Newcastle - Ottawa Scale. Each item can receive 1 star (*), except for Comparability that can receive 2 stars. The total number of stars represents the score, which demonstrates the quality of the study