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Table 2 Output of from the multi-variate analysis of variance conducted on all study participants

From: Cytokine responses to Schistosoma haematobium in a Zimbabwean population: contrasting profiles for IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 with age


Age group


F = 1.532, df = 5,190, p = 0.182


F = 3.277, df = 5,190, p = 0.007


F = 4.875, df = 5,190, p < 0.001


F = 2.465, df = 5,190, p = 0.034

  1. The analysis determining if cytokine levels varied with host age thus testing whether the patterns represented in Figure 2 are significant. The statistical procedure allowed for the effects of sex and infection intensity on net cytokine level before testing if age had a significant effect on net cytokine level. F-value represents the F-test statistic from the MANOVA, df = degrees of freedom. Significant p-values are in bold.