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Table 3 Clinical predictors of forced expiratory volume in one second among 93 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

From: Smoking, season, and detection of chlamydia pneumoniaeDNA in clinically stable COPD patients


Beta Coefficient (95% Confidence Interval)a

Risk Factor

Entire Study Group

Age ≤ 65 years (n = 34)

Age > 65 years (n = 59)

Age (L/year)

-0.03 (-0.04, -0.01)b

-0.05 (-0.08, -0.02)b

-0.01 (-0.04, 0.02)


0.43 (0.21, 0.66)b

0.35 (-0.03, 0.74)d

0.41 (0.12, 0.70)c

Current Smoker

-0.17 (-0.41, 0.08)

-0.40 (-0.80, 0.00)d

-0.05 (-0.36, 0.27)

Chlamydia pneumoniae DNAe

-0.16 (-0.41, 0.10)

-0.40 (-0.86, 0.06)d

-0.10 (-0.43, 0.23)

November to April

0.19 (-0.04, 0.41)

0.19 (-0.20, 0.57)

0.17 (-0.12, 0.47)

  1. a Multiple linear regression beta coefficient (litres) associated with the presence of clinical variables for prediction of FEV1 (SPSS). Age in years, all other variables coded as present (1) or absent (0). b P < 0.001 c P < 0.05 d P < 0.10 e C. pneumoniae DNA detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells or induced sputum by nested polymerase chain reaction [14]