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Table 1 HIV-related characteristics of the 263 patients included

From: Severe hypovitaminosis D correlates with increased inflammatory markers in HIV infected patients

Time elapsed since HIV diagnosis (years), mean +/− SD

13 +/− 8

CDC stage A, n (%)

101 (38.4)

CDC stage B, n (%)

75 (28.5)

CDC stage C, n (%)

87 (33.1)

Karnofsky’s index %, mean +/− SD

92 +/− 14

Time spent on NRTI (months), mean +/− SD

95 +/− 71

Time spent on tenofovir (months), mean +/− SD

25 +/− 27

Time spent on NNRTI (months), mean +/− SD

40 +/− 47

Time spent on PI (months), mean +/− SD

44 +/− 47

Without current antiretroviral therapy, n (%)

22 (8.4)

On HAART including NTI, n (%)

210 (80.5)

On HAART including tenofovir, n (%)

164 (62.8)

On HAART including NNTI, n (%)

92 (35.4)

On HAART including PI, n (%)

151 (57.9)

On HAART including II, n (%)

21 (8.0)

CD4 nadir (/mm3), mean +/− SD

198 +/− 190

Time spent with undetectable HIV viral load (months), mean +/− SD

58 +/− 45

Current CD4 (/mm3), mean +/− SD

551 +/− 271

Current CD8 (/mm3), mean +/− SD

810 +/− 420

Current CD4/CD8 ratio, mean +/− SD

0.80 +/− 0.49

Current undetectable HIV viral load, n (%)

207 (78.7%)

Current HIV viral load (when detectable), log 10 copies/ml +/− SD

3.1 +/− 1.2

  1. SD: standard deviation; HAART: Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy; NRTI: nucleoside reverse transciptase inhibitor; NNRTI: non nucleoside reverse transciptase inhibitor; PI: protease inhibitor; II: integrase inhibitor.