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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of 560 HIV-infected patients with early syphilis

From: Predictors of serological failure after treatment in HIV-infected patients with early syphilis in the emerging Era of universal antiretroviral therapy use


No. (%)

Age, median year [IQR]

40 [34,45]

Male sex

556 (99)




249 (44)


214 (38)


62 (11)


35 (6)


541 (96)

Methamphetamine use

191 (34)

Hepatitis B or C

115 (21)

Syphilis history

287 (51)

Other STDa

419 (75)

Median RPR titers [IQR]

1:64 [1:32,1:128]


134 (24)


426 (76)


486 (87)

CD4 T-cell count


 Median CD4 T-cell count, cells/ml [IQR]

491 [345,683]

 <350 cells/mL

144 (26)

 ≥350 cells/mL

415 (74)



 Median HIV RNA level, copies/ml [IQR]

ND [ND,631]

 Not detectableb

400 (72)


160 (28)

Early syphilis stage



77 (14)


146 (26)

 Early latent

337 (60)

Treatment regimen


 3 doses of benzathine penicillin

434 (78)

 1 dose of benzathine penicillin

47 (8.4)


78 (14)


1 (0.2)

  1. Data are number (%) of patients, unless otherwise indicated. IQR, interquartile range; MSM, men who have sex with men; RPR, rapid plasma regain test; STD, sexually transmitted disease; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; DM, diabetes mellitus; ART, combination antiretroviral therapy; ND, not detectable.
  2. aOther STD include documented Neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis, herpes, and genital warts.
  3. bDefined as <400 copies/mL.