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Table 1 Attitudes towards pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescription among 311 HIV specialists

From: Attitude towards antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescription among HIV specialists

Based on the available evidence, do you think PrEP should be offered, and if yes, in which of the following situations?


N (%)


95 (30.5)


216 (69.5)

Participants who think that PrEP should be offered (N = 216)

Offer PrEP to some groups of people at higher risk: a

  Injection drug users

45 (20.8)


Not using condoms



N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

  Men who have sex with men (MSM)

118 (54.6)

34 (15.7)

152 (70.3)

  Persons with sexually transmitted infections

90 (41.7)

35 (16.2)

125 (57.9)

  Persons with multiple partners

91 (42.1)

40 (18.5)

131 (60.6)

  Sex workers/Transactional sex

84 (38.8)

47 (21.8)

131 (60.6)


   174 (80.6)

Offer PrEP to HIV-uninfected partner in serodiscordant couples: a


Viremic partner



N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

  Men in heterosexual couples…

86 (39.8)

62 (28.7)

148 (68.5)

  Women in heterosexual couples…

98 (45.4)

73 (33.8)

171 (79.2)

  Men in MSM couples…

97 (44.9)

73 (33.8)

170 (78.7)

  Women for conception…

71 (32.8)

82 (38.0)

153 (70.8)

  Men for conception…

72 (33.3)

60 (27.8)

132 (61.1)


   200 (92.6)

  1. a Percentages may exceed 100% as participants checked all that applied.