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Table 1 Inclusion criteria

From: The Qure study: Q fever fatigue syndrome – response to treatment; a randomized placebo-controlled trial

Inclusion criteria*


Males or non-pregnant, non-lactating females who are 18 years or older


Laboratory-proven acute Q fever since the year 2007 and/or positive serology fitting a past infection with Coxiella burnetii


AND being severely fatigued, defined by scoring ≥ 35 on the subscale fatigue severity of the CIS


AND being fatigued for at least 6 months


AND being disabled because of the fatigue, defined by scoring 450 or higher on the SIP


Subject must sign a written informed consent form

  1. * All participants have to meet the criteria for QFS according to the recently published Dutch algorithm on QFS [14]. In addition to the mentioned inclusion criteria and according to the Dutch algorithm on QFS, there has to be a severe fatigue with a reference to an acute Q fever infection. Furthermore, there must be an absence of fatigue before the episode of acute Q fever or a significant increase in fatigue since the acute Q fever infection.
  2. Abbreviations: CIS = Checklist Individual Strength questionnaire, SIP = Sickness Impact Profile questionnaire.