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Table 3 Further research that is needed regarding the Determine TB-LAM assay

From: Point-of-care detection of lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine for diagnosis of HIV-associated tuberculosis: a state of the art review

Focus of research


Studies needed

Assay and samples

Understanding the assay

Determine mechanisms by which LAM enters urine.

Further clarify the host and pathogen factors associated with LAM antigenuria


Assess any batch to batch variation of the assay

To determine manufacturing quality control of the test strips


Improve diagnostic accuracy

Research and development to identify means to improve sensitivity and specificity

Studies to assess and enhance reproducibility of interpreting test strips


Assess impact of conditions of sample storage

Determine the effect of duration of urine storage at room temperature and any impact of freeze-thaw cycles on diagnostic accuracy


Assess impact of urine contamination

Assess impact of contamination of urine samples on specificity

Diagnostic accuracy and assay utility

Assess diagnostic accuracy

More studies are needed to very carefully assess the sensitivity and specificity in different geographical locations in appropriate clinical populations (advanced HIV, ambulatory vs hospitalized, adults vs children) using appropriate diagnostic gold standard.

Assess for any association between reduced specificity and non-tuberculous mycobacteria or other coinfections/co-morbidity


Use by health care workers at point-of-care

Assess feasibility and acceptability of running and reading the test-strips at point-of-care by non-laboratory trained health-care workers


Incorporation in diagnostic algorithms

Operational research to assess feasibility and utility of incorporating in different diagnostic algorithms

Impact and cost

Impact assessment

Assess the impact on time to diagnosis, time to starting TB treatment, morbidity and mortality and programme efficiency



Assess cost-effectiveness in different settings